Editing a Number
Edit Panel
When editing a numerical variable an edit line is displayed in the middle of the edit panel. This edit line serves for entering or changing the value of a number.
Image bm96.GIF
The text of a number is entered without spaces. The number can be preceded by a sign, + or -. The number mantissa can include up to 15 numerals and a decimal point or a comma. The mantissa can be followed by an exponent separated by E or e. The exponent is an integer ranging between -308 and +308.
A number can be entered in the hexadecimal form by inserting the $ (dollar) character in front of the number. Thus e.g. the entry $1F corresponds the number 31. Similarly, by inserting the % (the percent character) a number can be entered in the binary form. Thus e.g. the entry %1001 corresponds the number 9.
Editing operations
marking a text - Shift the mouse pointer, concurrently holding the left mouse button pressed.
- Shift the cursor by the arrow keys, concurrently holding the Shift key.
- Double click with the mouse on the text; the whole text will be marked.
- Click Ctrl+A; the whole text will be marked.
unmarking a text - Click with the mouse into the text.
- Shift the cursor by the arrow keys.
deleting a text - Press Delete or Back Space.
putting a marked text to the clipboard - Press Ctrl+C (copy) or Ctrl+X (cut).
returning a text from the clipboard - Set the cursor on the desired position and press Ctrl+V.
returning the original number - Press Ctrl+Z.
undoing the number return - Press Ctrl+Y.

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